Goodbye June! You’ve been a good one!
This month feels like it flew! It really is no surprise – it has been an incredible but busy month on the ANP side of things and I was so grateful to have some quieter weekends towards the end of this month!
This month (June) Gabriel turned 16 months and I still can’t believe he isn’t a tiny baby anymore! He brings so much laughter to our home and constantly keeps us on our toes!
- He has started “talking” more and more and I’ve gotten pretty good at deciphering what he is talking about (most of the time!)
- His favorite thing to do is swing on his new swing set and play in the pool.
- Whenever music comes on he starts to dance by spinning in circles and bouncing to the beat. It is hilarious to watch!
- He has starting fake laughing when we start to laugh at something we thought was funny. Which makes us laugh even harder.
- He is a pretty good eater but we are still working on the veggies.
- He LOVES to wave “hey” to people and it is so funny to watch
- He has started pointing at family members in pictures and saying their names “Dada” ,”Nana”, “Mama” etc.
- He is wearing 24month/2T sizes although the pants are a little long.
- Changing diapers has become difficult because he would rather run around in the nude!
- Paper/tissues/wipes don’t stand a chance around him!
Pretty much everything he does makes me laugh even when I shouldn’t be…
Hanging out with Daddy in the backyard.
Popsicles on the porch are the best way to beat the hot NC heat!

Enjoying some pool time at Omi’s house

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